Friday 3 October 2008

First week in the kebab flat

I can’t quite believe we’ve been in the kebab flat for almost a whole week. Of course it goes without saying that it’s not been a week without its problems, oh no, that would just be way too easy. But that said, it hasn’t been entirely unpleasant. On Wednesday l made it to the OU for a lunchtime walk with Janet & Funmi. It was a little windy and we got rained on at the end but a face to face is always good for the soul plus I like to hear what others are up too. Jan is very busy with events and Funmi is waiting to exchange contracts on her house.

In the afternoon I went to Tesco at Kingston to get some wine for us and some the boys at Morgans. I had a £8 discount voucher if I spent over £40 plus Tesco have a deal at the moment where you get 5% if you buy 6 bottles of wine in one go. While I was there I picked up a tub of Bombay Mix as a treat for Phil which turned not to be a treat because he ate the whole 475g tub that night. A result of which gave him severe stomach cramps and the shits the following day. The little orange shit pills that we brought in India abated the cramps but his stomach was iffy all day!

Yesterday we bumped in to Emma, our now ex neighbour from the cul-de-sac outside Nat West Bank just up from us. She was so excited to see us and me her really, because I wanted to get the gossip from GP. Emma said that she saw our tenant turn up with a Pickfords van and 2 men who unloaded a tonne of packing boxes. God only knows where our tenant will put all of his stuff because our house is already full up. Phil was pleased to hear that Emma had seen a double mattress being off loaded which will of course save him using ours. Emma said that she hadn’t had a chance to speak to our tenant but if an opportunity didn’t arise naturally by the weekend, she was going to knock on our door and introduce herself. I shall look forward to hearing from her sometime next week!

Vanessa popped round after school yesterday afternoon to have a cup of tea. I gave her a quick look round which took all of 10 seconds but she had already seen the photographs on the blog. I don’t know if she was being kind but she said she couldn’t smell the BO odour in the flat but the kebab smell hit her smack in the face when I let her out into the foyer. There is no escaping the kebabs.

On Wednesday the communal heat was supposed to come on but guess what – it didn’t come on in our flat. I phoned the housing office in Netherfield to check that it was turned on in the block and they confirmed that it had been turned on. They told me to phone the repairs number which I did and they then told me to phone Weldons, the gas people. I tell you, Milton Keynes Council don’t know their heads from their arses, USELESS. The woman at Weldons was pleasant and sounded like she had half a brain and promised that a community worker would be with us sometime between 8am and 1pm the following day. I assume by community worker she actually meant plumber??? Hopefully we shall get heat into all the rooms today because we’ve only got one heater and we’ve been chilly.

Phil has been very unhappy this week living without the analogue aerial which is only giving us a handful of channels. One night this week he even suggested turning off the TV because there was f**k all on and playing cards instead. I told him that playing cards is for old people and besides we didn’t have any cards. Anyway as we walked through the city centre on our way back home after eating very average fish & chips at the Moon Under the Water pub in the Snow Dome, Phil suggested that we stop off a the Sky stand who were advertising Sky+HD box for £75.00.

It’s a long story but by the of play yesterday we’d signed up for Sky+ with a variety mix, middle of the road broadband with free calls at the weekend and after 6pm in the week. A digital signal and 3 million channels is not a top priority for me but I agree that a secure & speedy broadband connection will be useful.

Of course, subscribing to the broadband meant that we had to also sign up for a landline. Because we weren’t planning to have a landline in the kebab flat I’d already shut down my account with BT at the old house which meant I had to sign up for a landline as a new customer. I was 40 minutes into the process when my mobile went dead so I then had to top up with my credit card and phone back. Another 35 minutes later, I got us a landline which goes live next Tuesday.

Last night Steve Pem came round to return some CD’s and shared M&S spaghetti carbarnara and some salad and garlic bread. We haven’t seen him since we went to Portugal so it was good to catch up with him. Actually it was also nice to sit and talk rather than listen to Phil moaning about the lack of TV channels.

As soon as Phil comes back from Sainsbury’s he can took over waiting in for the ‘community worker’ to turn up to fix the heat problem, I’m off to David Lloyd. I really should be in the spare bedroom-cum storeroom stripping off the wall paper but do you know what, I really can’t be bothered. It’s too cold to work. We don’t seem to get any of the free papers delivered here so I shall pick up a copy of the Citizen and this afternoon I shall my search for a proper job.

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