Wednesday 22 October 2008

Domestic Diva

Yesterday we had a letter from the Lionhearts Cruising Club offering us Ordinary Membership and wishing us many happy times with the club. As you would expect, Phil was over the moon that we’d passed the interview but I am not so excited. Not having spent any time on a canal boat, I worry, that should we ever secure a mooring and subsequently a barge, I won’t like it. Plus the prospect of being on a weekly rota for cleaning the club’s toilets for god knows how many years, doesn’t really thrill me. The letter dated the 14th October has taken over a week to arrive because of the post redirection and as result we missed the general meeting which was held on Monday. I expect the committee would have liked us to attend this meeting especially as in the letter they are wanting a cheque for £180. I don’t know why but I don’t have a good feeling about this venture of Phil’s but I shall attend the next general meeting in November with an open mind. If anything, it will be good stuff for the blog and will give me new people to gossip about! Yeah, sad I know.

If I was in any doubt that I was destined to be a cleaner, then an email from MK Council inviting me to be a ‘cleaning monitor’ for our kebab block confirmed this. I think they are so fed up with me complaining about the lack of maintenance that they figured they may as well get me on their side. Of course, I emailed back straight away to say “yes, I would very much like to be a cleaning monitor” and await further instructions.

Phil is nagging me to get off my backside and get a job and I am on the case, although I will admit my focus has been on redecorating the kebab flat rather than employment. I saw an advert for cleaners in the city centre, £7 per hour plus you get a uniform so I may well apply. Phil’s manager called his team into a meeting last week and told everyone that times were hard and the company was cutting back. They were told they’re not allowed to use the internet even in lunchtimes, calls to mobile no’s were barred and there was to be no non-related work chatter other than in toilets or in the canteen. Of course Phil is alarmed because he is a contractor and will be the first out the door (again) if they cut bums on seats. It maybe the push he needs and I am sure whatever happens, it will be for the best.

On Monday I went to ward 18 to see John and drop off some cruise brochures that I had picked up for him to look at in the centre. John's friend David from work was there visiting which was good because I didn’t actually arrive until less than an hour before the end of visiting time. Unfortunately John was not so great, despite being tied up to the drip 24/7 since Friday, he’d actually lost some weight. It must be difficult to stay upbeat when you’re in constant discomfort and with so much time to think about what was and what will be. Bless him; hopefully he’ll turn a corner in the next few days and will be allowed home at the weekend.

It was a bit on the chilly side but the sun was shining and yesterday I met up with Jan and Funmi for a walk around the OU grounds. It's good to get the exercise but the best bit is having the chance to get things of our chests which I think we all did. Okay I may have moaned more than the others but remember I don't get out much! Afterwards I went to see Rachel to get my hair done at Saks in the upstairs of David Lloyd. She is a sweet young girl but I feel sorry for her having me as a client. I constantly wiggle & squiggle in my seat and question every snip she takes. Against her advice, I have gone shorter and blonder and feel 100% better in myself. The best bit though was discovering that Tuesday’s is 20% off day which I hadn’t realised before.

Last night we night me and Phil went to see Burn after Reading at the Odeon. We are waiting to go and see Ghost with Ricky Gervais but this isn’t released until Friday. The film last night was good not least because it starred George Clooney and Brad Pitt. I’d rate it 6/10 but Phil thought it was “fantastic”. It was very pleasant looking at George for a couple of hours but Brad doesn’t do anything for me. Phil says this is because I don’t like skinny short men and he is right. Anyway, we had a nice time with our smuggled wine in our bicycle bottles and M&S scooby snacks and last night we even remembered the torch. It’s a plus having the cinema right on our door step and we still get a real buzz walking out the front door and straight through the Centre. How sad are we?? No don’t answer that!!!

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