Thursday 17 July 2008

Ups and Downs

The week so far has been fairly unremarkable. Monday must have been so boring because I can’t for the life of me remember what we did; it seems so far away now. Tuesday was little more exciting with the arrival of the automated garage door system which was delivered at 7.20 am whilst I was the health club. Luckily Phil didn’t want to come with me so he was here to take the delivery. Apparently the driver couldn’t get into the cul-de-sac because of all the cars and vans so him and Phil had to walk all the boxes down to our house. Phil couldn’t start on the fitting as he had to go and see the agent who is selling the 22N flat and didn’t get back until well after midday. This meant we had a late lunch and so we decided that we wouldn't start fitting the new garage door until the following day. Tuesday afternoon therefore was spent preparing. Phil studied the fitting instructions and found out that he needed a pop riveter. He went to B&Q and came back with not only a pop riveter but a also a new drill for concrete, a million drill bits and a laser spirit level which apparently he has been longing for all of his life. What is it with boys and their tools?? I just don’t get it.

Phil couldn’t wait to get going on Wednesday morning and was up banging away in the garage just after 7. It took nearly 2 hours to get out the old garage door so it was 9.30am before we could get started. The instructions were very generic and not easy to follow but luckily for us the company that supplied the door system had a helpline number, which boy did we make use of. The new garage doors attracted the attention of all the neighbours; they were like bees round a honey pot. Alan, Dave, Sandy, Emma, Jason and even the postman came to have a look.

Jason from next door was particularly interested as he is halfway through converting his garage into a proper room. He didn’t say much about our garage or the doors but says he will show us his conversion the weekend after next. I do feel sorry for our neighbours, they’ve got Phil banging from anytime after 5.30am and when he finishes at tea-time, they’ve got Jason banging in his garage. We’ve seen a lot of the neighbours while we’ve been working in the garage. I speak to Emma nearly everyday and she is always good with the gossip. She tells me that Reena who lives on the corner had a baby girl born on my birthday. We thought Neil the other side of us had rented out his house to an estate agent but it seems that he and his dogs have moved back in. Don’t have much chance to chat to Sandy now Phil’s at home 24/7 but she did come over and say a brief hello and asked how I was yesterday.

Back to the garage doors. We were making good progress but had a problem when we came to fit the curtain over the motor system. Tony from the helpline said that we’d need 2 stepladders and would have lift the curtain roll and place it on the back of our necks then walk it up the ladders and lift over the motor. It was heavy and I managed to get it on my neck but just didn’t have the strength to lift it over the motor. Phil wasn’t very happy with me when we had to come down and put it back on the floor but Dave was at home and thankfully helped him get it on. We had a few other blips but when we packed up at 5.30 we had it all secure.

Phil was back on the helpline this morning and whilst I was at David Lloyd’s he managed to sort out the last few problems and now we have garage doors which are indeed, fully automatic. See for yourselves, they actually work! By the way the sound is Phil drilling the wood for the bike system in the roof and not the door motor. We even have his n’ hers remote controls. How cool is that? I was worried about fitting the door system ourselves but it wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be and the best thing is we saved ourselves 800 quid. We definitely will use this door system in our next house. I know I moan about Phil but fair play to him, he can do just about everything he sets out to do (with the help of yours truly of course). And as Phil says, things are never easy for us; we have lots of ups and downs but we do eventually get there in the end.


Jim Robb said...

That door looks brilliant. Well done Krauses.

Claire said...

Thanks Jim and thanks for putting Phil on to the supplier. Sad gits that we are but we are really pleased with them! Claire
Loving your photo by the way!