Tuesday 1 July 2008

Grand Designs

Nothing much in the way of excitement in the camp over the weekend but as usual there was the ongoing hub of activity. Despite it being the weekend, Phil was still up with the lark and working hard in the garage by 5.30am. He managed to finish the suspended false ceiling, erect all the kitchen units and fit them in the larder room and at back of the garage, now called the utility room. I can’t remember what my jobs were so they can’t have been that significant but I do know that I wasn’t sitting down with my feet up reading the newspapers. Still all credit to Phil and his DIY skills and the garage and the larder shed are looking loads better.

It hasn’t all been work and no play; we managed to fit in a walk to The Giffard on Friday night where we spent a happy hour or 2 and on Saturday we took time out to have lunch at the carvery at Peartree Bridge with Steve and Ed. Ed went into the back of a truck on the M6 last week and wrote his car off and is borrowing my little KA until he can sort out a new vehicle. Fortunately he wasn’t injured and escaped with just a few scrapes and bruises. We finished the weekend off with a cycle ride to David Lloyd for a Jacuzzi and a shower and somehow ended up back at The Giffard on Sunday teatime for a pint. It’s not a bad life I suppose?

Since going to the BBQ at Louise & Mark’s last weekend Phil decided that we must have a gas BBQ. First up we had a look in B&Q and then went on to Tesco’s but he couldn’t find one that fitted the bill. Phil remembered that Costco had a huge range last year so after Tescos we went to have a look there. Phil had left the house without any breakfast so he was very happy to get a free cup of coffee and 2 pieces of cake as we went into the store. Unfortunately we couldn’t find any gas BBQ’s but we did leave with a big supply of meats in readiness for Phil to cook on the new BBQ.

Eventually Phil did fine a BBQ that matched his requirements in Homebase. I have to say it was the most expensive BBQ in the whole shop but I didn’t say anything at all about the cost, even though I was tempted. Phil kept expecting me to raise objections and kept giving me funny sideways looks but I am not as stupid as he thinks I am. I figure to justify his expense he will have to use his BBQ every day for the rest of the summer and this, in turn, will get me out of the shopping and the cooking for sometime to come. Now he can marinate and baste to his hearts content while I sit back and watch him! Actually I did feel sorry for him yesterday afternoon. After spending 2 hours putting the new super duper gas barbie together, the old gas cylinder wouldn’t fit so he ended up having to fire up the old charcoal Webber because he promised Harriet a BBQ when she finished work. Still it didn’t matter, his marinated minted lamb chops were to die for and we had a nice evening sipping wine and redesigning the garden (as you do).

Phil was back at HomeBase first thing this morning getting a 10kg lightweight bottle of propane. Thankfully it fitted and it was just in time for Phil to cook our lunch. More marinated lamb, new potatoes and salad laced with chilli. It was very nice and hopefully I won’t tire of BBQ food. I don’t think I will; Phil was reading his Barbeque cookery book in bed first thing this morning which has given him lots of ideas for different things. I had completely about Phil’s new design plans for the garden from last night so it came as a bit of a shock when I came outside after lunch to find him digging up the pivot hedge around the patio. Whilst I have been outside typing on the laptop he has now completely got out the entire hedge and has jammed it in the green wheelie bin. He has already been out and brought some chocolate wall tiles and tomorrow he intends to lay these on top of the brick wall where the hedge was. I think his vision is to ‘bring the outside inside’ or something along those lines. I’m forever on at him for procrastinating so I suppose I should be pleased that he is jumping in with both feet and getting on with the job. And I guess I am, but he is going a bit too fast for my liking and I prefer to have a firm strategy. Also I like to finish one project before going on the next.

With some help from Jim, Phil managed to find a company that sold an automated remote garage door system for £800 plus VAT and has already placed his order. The company wanted another £800 for a team to come out and fit them but Phil has decided this is too much money and we will fit them ourselves. I have a few reservations about doing it without a team but I suppose if it all goes belly up then we can call the company out as a last resort. The door system arrives next week and what can I say, but watch this space. One thing for sure, it won’t be straightforward; things with us never are. Hey ho…………….

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