Monday 14 July 2008

Weekend celebrations!

I have had a great birthday weekend – lot of eating, lots of drinking and not much sleep, fabulous! Mind you it’s all taken its toll and despite falling asleep on the sofa at 7pm last night, I’m knackered this morning. Julia and Jack made good timing and arrived at our house just after 6 on Friday evening. We had a quick drink and then we all squeezed into Harriet’s car and went to The Giffard for a meal. It was packed but we didn’t have to wait too long for our food and were back home in time to watch the eviction in Big Brother. I couldn’t believe it when Mario got voted out; even though he is right up his own jacksi, him and Lisa as a couple are funny to watch. I can’t stand Rebecca.

Everyone had hangovers on Saturday morning (except Jack of course) which wasn’t good as we had Phil’s mum and dad and their friend Glad coming for lunch. Phil cooked a fry-up on the BBQ and Julia & Jack left to go visiting, leaving me to clear up and get everything ready for our guests. Luckily I got everything done with a few minutes to spare before they turned up from Melton around half past ten. I love it when Phil’s mum and dad visit as they always come laden with goodies. This time they brought us a special Melton Mowbray pork pie, a large bar of chocolate for Harriet, all the bits and pieces we’d left in their car from our visit to Germany, flowers for my birthday along with a heavy envelope, 3 pots of home-grown herbs for Phil’s herb garden, a base for our garden umbrella and a home-made coconut desert. All these things and I told them only to bring themselves!

I had warned mum and dad beforehand that Phil would be doing a BBQ for lunch and with British weather true to form, it started to rain just as Phil went out to cook. Luckily Phil’s dad had brought his garden umbrella and fetched it out of the car so Phil could get on with his cooking. After lunch was cleared away we decided to take a look around Costco because Glad had never been before. Unfortunately Costco was heaving with people but we all managed to put something in the trolley. When we got home the sun was shining and so we all sat outside with tea and biscuits. We waved goodbye to everyone at 4.30pm and cleared up before Julie and Jack returned just before 6. Jacked played on the computer while Phil me and Julia sat outside drinking wine and beer. As we’d all eaten lunch I just shoved a pizza in the oven which we had with garlic bread and new potatoes and salad left over from lunch before settling in the front the plasma to watch Big Brother. Phil went to bed early but me and Julia stayed up until midnight putting the world to rights (as you do).

As the sun was shining bright on Sunday morning Phil cooked another fry-up on the BBQ which we actually sat outside on the patio to eat. There is nothing more satisfying than a cooked breakfast after a heavy night of indulgence. Julia had the Sky engineer booked to sort out her skybox at 12pm so she and Jack left just after 9. Phil wanted to go for a swim and a steam at the health club but I remembered that it was open weekend which would have meant that every man and his dog would be there so we opted to do some gardening instead. I am very worried about Phil; since our trip to see Steve and Sue in rural Brittany, Phil has turned into a cross between Ray Meers and Alan Titchmarsh. I looked out of the bedroom window whilst I was making the bed to see him ripping out another of the trees from the border. When I went down to investigate he was ripping off the leaves and sawing up the tree. When I asked him why, he said he wasvstoring the wood for the wood burner which he intended to buy. He had seen Steve’s one in France and I think he fancies burning wood to keep warm. Personally I just don’t get it; I’d prefer one of those nice aluminium top table heaters instead. I can only think it must be a boy thing!

At lunchtime Steve & Maddy picked us up and we went to the fish restaurant Loch Fyne in the hub. I’d had a couple of good recommendations and fancied trying it out. We went for the 2 course menu, £11 which included a glass of the house wine. However we didn’t realise that this menu didn’t include side orders which cost extra, but still, it came out at 20 quid a head which included chips, salads, a bottle of house red and desserts. It was quite good but the service was slow especially considering the restaurant was less than half full. Would we go again? Yeah probably. Steve was flying to Munich for work and a taxi collected him and his travel case from outside the hub leaving Mads to drop us off. Needless to say we didn’t feel like doing any work when we got back so we got the video’s out and plonked ourselves in front to the telly. And that, my friends, was Sunday.

Not surprisingly, we had both put on weight when we jumped on the scales this morning. Phil is really struggling to get in the 15’s so we will need to take drastic action this week. It’s just a shame that we have a fridge full of chocolates, pork-pie and wine. Not good but it has to be done. Phil hasn’t relayed his work plans for the week but I do know that we have lots of catch up jobs and paperwork things that need doing today. The new automated garage doors are due to arrive on Wednesday and so as soon as it’s light on Thursday we will begin the job of fitting them ourselves. Hey ho, another week. I just hope the sun shines.

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