Wednesday 9 July 2008

Normandy trip

We left Steve and Sue’s late on Monday as we were all a bit hung over with sore throats for some reason? Off we set for the Normandy coastline. Our first stop was Le Mont St Michael where we had lunch in a nice restaurant called “Le Pre Sale”. A bit posh and it looked better than it tasted but nice all the same as it looked extremely good and only tasted good. We had a huge lunch with 4 courses and wine. There were lovely views over the island with its small mountain community.

We had intended to stay the night on the west coast into the satnav with a small unknown town but before long the heavens opened and the traffic stopped, there must have been an accident. The motorway was stopped and it looked like a long job so we got off at the first exit and went any way we liked that looked as if it was going away from the congestion whilst Claire set another destination on the East coast into the satnav. Finally we found one it liked and it kicked in but we thought it must have misunderstood as it took us down countless very small country roads. It was fine and soon we were on proper roads and on our way to an unknown destination. Well we knew its name but that was all which was Saint Aubin sur Mer. We drove around the small winding one way streets for a while before we stumbled across a nice looking hotel called “Le Clos Normand”. It was reasonably priced for the room (74 Euros) but they wanted double for half board and as we were still stuffed from lunch we took the room only option. A small but nice room and I think it’s the first time I have been able to see the sea whilst lying in bed. Also there was a park right next to the hotle which we could walk through to get to the shops in town. An easy night for us sharing a dish of local cheeses between us with a bottle of wine we had just bought at a local supermarket. We had already filled the boot with drink when Steve and Sue took us to their local and we found another where we bought even more and filled the back seats up too. The only thing we didn’t get much of was the local champagne which you could get for about £1 a bottle. We intended to get much more than the 6 bottles we already had but it wasn’t to be. Never mind, what we have should last a couple of weeks.

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