Friday 25 July 2008

Green fingers & lazy bones

I don’t mind admitting to the whole wide world that I have had a really lazy week and for a change, have been quite idle. Unlike Phil, who has been for most of the week, digging up the garden from some unearthly hour of the morning. At least he has been fairly quiet so the neighbours have had some kind of a break this week. I will admit he has done a good job and now we are weed free and we can clearly see the border boundaries. When he finished digging, he moved all of his pots of herbs to the side of the summer house so they are easier to water. He managed to fill up the entire green bin so my only contribution to the garden makeover was taking bags of garden waste to the tip; I think I did at least 3 trips. To finish off we moved around all of the garden furniture and I can at last see Phil’s vision of the back garden coming together. It goes without saying that Phil was feeling very pleased with himself. I can’t tell you many times this week I have had to tell him what a good job boy he’s been!

I seem to remember it was a bit of a grey morning on Tuesday so we decided to treat ourselves to a carvery at Peartree Bridge. I always love a roast dinner and it made a nice change from BBQ food. In the evening we took ourselves off to the cinema. As the sun was shining we decided to walk along the canal until we got to Campbell Park and then took a right turn and walked up the hill by the new temporary coach park. It was tough walking uphill in the sun but we got to Cineworld in just under an hour. As usual we argued about which film to watch but I got my way without too much struggle and we saw Donkey Punch. Phil wanted to see Walle-E-U and Hancock but I prefer less well known and more unusual films. Donkey Punch was quite good, a bit gory in places but worth seeing. Next Tuesday Phil can choose the film.

Phil got busy on Wednesday clearing the decking at the top of the garden and giving it a coat of paint. It hadn’t been painted for years and needed a second coat. Phil cooked chicken on the BBQ for lunch, which of late seems to be our staple food. After lunch we took ourselves off to David Lloyd for a steam and a Jacuzzi and then came back to have a glass of fizzy wine on our patio whilst admiring Phil’s handiwork in the garden. In the evening Phil went out to The Giffard to meet up with the Wednesday night crew while I went to Vanessa’s for a glass of wine and a girlie chat. I walked to Willen Park and was quite proud that I found my way on the redway and didn’t get lost. As usual, it was good to catch up with Vanessa who had just broken up that day from school for the summer holidays. The Ford family are off next Wednesday with all their camping gear for a trip round Europe for a month. I can’t remember all of the countries they will be visiting but they intend to do a blog which I will look forward to reading.

Although I didn’t have a late night (Phil did) we both woke up with hangovers and didn’t get out of bed until 9am on Thursday morning. Phil did himself fried eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and fried bread on the barbeque but I was good and just had 2 fish fingers and one tomato. Although the neighbours have had a good rest in the noise department this week I think all the lovely smells that come from our garden must be driving them crazy. It was a really sunny day and with muzzy heads we both decided we were going to have an easy day. Phil did manage to get a third coat of paint on the upper decking while I rested on the garden bench reading a book in my dressing gown. Hence the top photo which I didn’t realise he had taken until I downloaded my images onto my laptop this morning.

It was yet another barbeque for lunch. I'm not complaining but at this rate I shall end up looking like a chicken! In the afternoon I caught a few rays on the sun lounger while Phil potted around not really knowing what to do with himself. Bless im, he was getting quite cross with me for being so lazy but the more he complained the more determined I was to stay on my sunbed! Silly boy, I don’t have many duvet days and he knows full well that when there’s work to be done, I will first in the line. Not sure of plans for the weekend; there is no grand prix to watch and we have no weekend guests and no big jobs to do. What we will we do with ourselves I wonder? I don’t suppose I need to worry, I am sure Phil will come up with some project or another to ensure I don’t see on my bottom for too long.

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