Monday 21 July 2008

Bikes r Us

I am well aware that I have been really slack with the blog of late, which is really not like me, but things have been well hectic and there just hasn't been time. Not much in the mood tonight and we are in the middle of watching the German Grand Prix qualifying recorded from Saturday lunchtime ,so I warn you now, this is just a quickie catch up.

Phil was up on Friday at some ungodly hour of the day fitting the bike storage pull racks up in the eaves of the garage. This is not quite the right terminology for them but what he fitted was some kind of contraption that means we can get the bikes out of the garage and into the roof of the garage and get them down with a rope pully system. Jim saw an advert for these in Aldi andkindly sent Phil an email. So thanks for this Jim; they only cost £4.99 whereas the bike shop gave us an Internet site URL and they wanted £35 for each bike. Thanks also to Jim for giving us the details for the automated garage door system saving us nearly fifteen hundred quid.
Phil also tells me that Jim has also emailed him details for an American company that can supply glass blocks for the balcony floor which is going to be Phil's next project. Boy it's good to have good friends. On Friday night we had a BBQ and Phil made home-made chips for Harriet as a treat. Saddo that I am, I recorded the moment!

On Saturday Steve and Ed brought my car back. I felt a bit guilty because Ed doesn't get his new car until Friday but I'm not good at driving Phil's Land Rover and I have missed the freedom of having my own car. Our weekend guests, step-dad number 2, John and his partner Marie arrived just after midday on Saturday just as the Grand Prix qualifying started. Phil wasn't a happy boy but he had no choice other than to record it. Of course we gave the guests a tour de la maison and pressed the garage door remote up and down a few times. In the afternoon we took them for a whiz around Costco. They really wanted to go to IKEA but I just couldn't bear the thought on a busy Saturday afternoon. Luckily later on the rain had stopped so we walked along the canal and went for a pub meal at The Giffard. It was busy but the food was good and as always, cheap! Just as well because Phil was paying! When we got back the rain stayed away and amazingly we managed to wile away a few hours on the patio.

On Sunday morning Phil took John to HomeBase to help him buy a revolving umbrella so that he can barbecue in the rain and Phil also picked up a chim cherree to burn wood on so that we can keep warm under the umbrella whilst it rains. Although Phil went to HomeBase on Saturday, the 10% off day, he procrastinated and didn't buy and unfortunately the 10% discount ended on Saturday. The salesman that sold him the stuff asked Phil why he failed to see the 245 signs advertising 10% day? I'm not complaining as Phil did yet another BBQ for lunch and the umbrella came in quite handy. After lunch John gave Phil a lesson in gardening and unfortunately he was a most enthusiastic student which meant that J&M didn't leave until 4.30pm. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed their company; weekend guests are all well and good but they need to leave just after you've cooked them a big fry up, preferably before 12 midday! You can call me a grumpy old woman and I'm not really that unsociable but sometimes enough is enough. I NEED MY SPACE - END OF!

It's not long after 7pm tonight and already Phil is asleep on the sofa. Which is not altogether surprising seeing that he was in the garden just after 6 this morning pottering and weeding beds. He was gardening until 2pm when I went to the hairdressers and then he went to the healthclub for a workout. My boy or should I say 'husband' just doesn't know when enough is enough. Still its Coronation Street on now so I least I can watch it in peace! Goodnight!

1 comment:

Steve's Secklow said...

Hi, can you send me details of the bike storage thingymajigs. I feel the need of pulley operated device! Cheers Steve