Monday 7 September 2009

Le weekend

Big Brother finally ended on Friday night (thank god) and autumn has well and truly got going. I’ve even had to have the heating on one or two evenings which just signifies that it’s all downhill from here on after. We’ve had a few more days of procrastination and not doing much with no major dramas or disasters. Phil has made some pretty impressive progress with his travel plans but I’ll let him share these plans when he is good and ready. To be honest, I’ve haven’t really paid much attention which is perhaps not such a good thing. My immediate focus is getting a sale on the NH house and organising the move back to the GP house.

On Friday I went to the gym and then went upstairs to the beauty salon to have an eyebrow tidy up. Ever since the black eye saga, I do not go anywhere near my face with a pair of tweezers. It only costs 10 quid so is well worth it. Unfortunately I left my jacket in my locker and when I went back to get it some thieving b*****d had nicked it. Okay, it wasn’t very expensive but I loved this jacket and it’s the only one that I possess. It’s not the first time I’ve had stuff taken and in future I must take more care of my belongings.

We went to the gym late on Saturday afternoon and when we got back home we started watching series 3 of The Sopranos on DVD. This is a fantastic series and once we started watching we couldn’t turn it off. Phil rented this box set from the library along with several travel DVD’s. In the evening we ended up ordering a takeaway from the Chinese at Great Linford. This is really naughty especially as we’ve done this now two weeks in a row. I think Phil’s diet has died a death and he has well and truly given up.

On Sunday we picked up Christine and drove to north London to look at Christine’s daughter, Claudia’s kitchen. I had spent some considerable time downloading new maps for the tom tom in readiness for the trip as it’s been years since we updated our sat nav. Whilst I was messing round I decided to change the voice and swapped ‘Jane’ for ‘Tim’. Phil was most annoyed and insisted that I change back to Jane. Unfortunately I couldn’t change it without the software so he was stuck with ‘Tim’. After a while Phil stopped moaning and was even impressed when we got off the M1 that I’d managed to install the warning for the speed cameras; something we have never been able to get before.

The traffic wasn’t bad and we made it to Claudia & Johnny’s in just under an hour and a quarter. Claudia and Johnny want to put their flat on the market in the New Year and want to smarten up their kitchen to make it more attractive to perspective buyers. Phil took some measurements and made some suggestions. The idea is get them some quotes and get some computer generated designs for them to see what can be done. I’m not certain we can be much help but we’ll see what we can do.

I was surprised their flat was in quite a nice area with views of lakes and a roof terrace just off the bedroom. It was an overcast day so we didn’t sit on the terrace. Actually I’m not sure Phil would have been able to clamber out of the window to get to it! Johnny had to go out to a birthday party but Claudia cooked a veggie lasagne which we had with some lovely bread washed down with some wine. Christine provided the desserts and after coffee we said our goodbyes and got back in the car for the return journey. It was a little congested getting out of London but we were soon on the M1 and it didn’t take us long to get home. Phil did good to drive through central London and he didn’t even swear once which just proves to me that he can control his road rage if he tries!

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