Wednesday 19 August 2009

We're off to the Seaside!

I haven’t really been up to much of late so life has been fairly flat. I have decided that I function much better when I have a project and a million things on the ‘to do’ list. When I’ve got just a few things to sort, I procrastinate and don’t get things done. Last Saturday we walked to The Gifford for lunch. I went for good old boring fish and chips but Phil tried the rib combo which was new on the menu and wasn’t particularly impressed. Unfortunately just as we sat down a wasp came buzzing round my head so I hastily took my plate and moved to a table nearer the bar. Phil refused to follow me so we both ate separately at different tables. I think the waiter thought we had had an argument and had fallen out. When Phil finished his main course he did join me and ate a bowl of spotted dick with custard while I finished off the wine. It was a pleasant way to spend a Saturday afternoon, doing nothing other than eating and drinking.

On Sunday Phil went off to visit his mum giving me the whole day to myself. I went to Tesco for some ingredients and came back home and cooked a chilli sauce ready for the chicken chilli men I was cooking the following day. Normally I buy the ready made sauce from Wagamama’s but homemade is far tastier. A lot of hassle though and took me ages to chop all the vegetables. After I’d cleared up after myself I went to see Christine in Great Holm. I hadn’t realised what a nice day it was and we sat in the garden with some juice.

Unfortunately the wasps were after me again so we packed the Labradors in the car and went to walk them by the river in New Bradwell. Purdy and Buffy had a great time, jumping in and out of the river fetching sticks. I enjoyed the walk but had to be vigilant in avoiding the wasps. I really wish I didn’t suffer with this phobia, it makes August a nightmare. After our walk Christine made us some lunch and naughty me had a glass of wine. Our afternoon was only spoilt with Buffy jumping on the new couch and head butting Christine just as she was taking her first sip from a mug of boiling hot coffee. Not nice and she ended up with a burnt eye and a split lip.

Monday was a lazy day and Phil didn’t even have a shower. He did get out of pyjamas to get some books and DVD’s all about Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Phil is thinking about our next adventure but it is not certain when we will be able to go because it is dependent on lots of things, money being one of them. Still it is nice to dream and have something to look forward too. I left Phil watching a travel DVD and went to the city centre. I did a bit of shopping in Boots then went to D&A for an eye test. The optician said that my eyes hadn’t deteriated much, which surprised me and because my eyes aren’t even, I ended up buying the cheapest frames that I could find in the shop. It has been an expensive couple of weeks because I had to go out and get 2 new tyres for my car which cost £129. If that wasn’t enough expense, I then had to shell out £25 for a back massage from Jackie at the MK Lions practice. My back has been getting worse rather then better and I hope and pray a couple of massages will sort it out. Fingers crossed!

After my massage I popped into the OU to drop off some magazines and a pack of 6 full sugar cokes to Harriet. I had meant to take a picture of HH on the front desk but I forgot to get out my camera. We had a catch up chat and arranged to meet up at The Gifford on Saturday. I left Harriet and parked up in the Business School car park and went to meet Janet. We had a walk round the campus and had our usual friend therapy catch up chat. Steve B is due to finish at his contract at the end of the week and hasn’t got a new contract to go to so it’s a bit of a worrying time for Jan & Steve.

Phil met up with the Pest Control man at Harriet’s flat. The pest control man checked the traps that he had set only to find the bait had not been taken and there was no evidence of any pest. We only can think that the noises that HH and Shane can hear are coming from the roof. Phil was meant to be working on his TMA when he got back from Oldbrook but he wasn’t in the mood and we ended up going to the cinema. Phil wanted to see the latest Quentin Tarrintino film ‘Inglourious Basterds’ but this isn’t released until today so we went to see ‘The Proposal’ instead. Phil wasn’t keen at first but it was a great feel good film just right for a naughty Tuesday afternoon and we can recommend.

Not much other news to report. Today we’re off to Margate for a mini break. Why Margate you might ask? Well Phil thinks this is a property hotspot; he saw something on a episode of the ‘The Apprentice’ and we’ve learnt from several episodes of watching ‘Homes under the Hammer’ that there is going to be a high speed rail link in Margate in 2010. So we’re going to check out the area and Phil has arranged several viewings for Thursday. Its weird one day we’re looking at beaches in Vietnam and the next we’re look at the Margate seaside. But hey that’s life living with Phil, for now I shall go with the flow, it doesn’t hurt to take a look and have a couple of days beside the seaside.

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