Friday 7 August 2009

Just a quickie

We're away for the weekend and in less than an hour, I have to do the housework, shower and change, pack and be out of the door for 8.30am. So much to do and not really time for an entry but I know if I leave it until Sunday I am going to forgot much of what we've been up to. Mind you, saying that, I can't recall what we did on Wednesday, I think Phil did some study for his OU project and we both went shopping separately for food and drinks supplies. Boring I know, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

Yesterday Phil's mum and dad and their close friend, Glad came down for the day. They got lost trying to find Jimmy's house but eventually arrived at the NH sometime before half past ten. I think they were hoping to go the carvery at Peartree Bridge for lunch but instead Phil had decided to cook. He had already prepared the panacotta mouses the day before but when he checked the fridge yesterday morning Phil discovered that he hadn't put enough gelatine in so they hadn't set. Never mind, no time to sulk, he had to get on with his beef stroganoff which he cooked with pan fried potatoes, rice and stir fried vegetables. The beef lacked a little seasoning which is most unlike Phil but the sauce itself, was still very tasty. The old folks had clean plates when they finished, so I guess they liked it. After lunch was cleared away we piled in the car and took them to see the OB flat. They liked it very much and Glad said that she'd rent it from us, if it wasn't for the stairs. She currently lives in a bungalow and doesn't do stairs. Phil's dad wanted to buy a German sausage for his friend to we dodged the lightening and torrential rain and took them to Costco. A quick browse around and it was back to the NH house for tea and biscuits. Unfortunately we had to throw them out of the door at quarter to four because we had to go back to the OB flat to take meter readings and then go to Morgans to sign the contracts. The new tenant moves in today so we just about finished everything by the skin of our teeth.
Today we are off to Suffolk. First up, we are driving to Lowestoft to see Phil's Aunt Daphne because she has complained that is well over a year since we last went down to see her. We shall go to the nearby Harvester for lunch then back to Daphne's for afternoon tea and hopefully we should escape mid afternoon. We then plan to drive to Southwold when we may stay the night. I haven't booked anywhere, the places I fancy staying are rather expensive but I said to Phil we'll go with the flow and hopefully stumble somewhere wonderfull within our price range. I have found a hotel in Dunwich which is on the beach but they wouldn't confirm their availability last night, god knows why. The dippy girl I spoke to said someone would call me back today. If they do, they do, if not, we'll shall just drive around until we found somewhere to lay our heads for the night. Come what may, sometime around 5 o'clock tonight me and Phil will be eating fish and chip out of newspaper, sitting on the beach. That is, of course, that its not, chucking it down with rain!!
Bring on the weekend!!

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