Monday 31 August 2009

Last of the Summer Wine (& wasps)

Unfortunately the dinner menu for Steve B & Jan was unsuccessful; despite all Phil’s careful planning and preparation all didn’t go to plan which was a shame because he’d worked so hard. Phil’s starter of stuffed sliced avocado stuffed with avocado, blue cheese and slices of garlic with a side extra of lightly fried prawns didn’t taste that great. The prawns were okay because you can’t really go wrong with them but the combination of the avocado and blue cheese didn’t really work. His main course of ‘beef on croute’ a fillet of beet stuffed with pate and mustard and coated with mustard and puff pastry should have been fabulous but unfortunately the joint of meat was so massive that it came out pink and hadn’t quite cooked through.
Poor Phil ended up stripping off the tasty coating and pan frying the fillet; it was tender and tasted great but lacked the ‘wow’ factor because he’d had to strip away all the flavouring stuff. Worst luck for Phil that he’d picked the most expensive chocolate for the dessert which ended up making his homemade chocolate mousse really rich and almost too rich to eat. Never mind, the wine flowed, we had cheese and biscuits and port to fill all the holes. Steve B and Jan were uncomplaining and were the most perfect guests and at best went home merry if not a little hungry.

On Sunday morning, I woke up with bleary sticky mascara stuck eyes because I was too drunk to take my makeup off and knew without a doubt that we’d be having a ‘duvet day’. Luckily a tired jaded Phil felt in the same mode so at least we were in zinc. Phil did drag me out of bed at 10 o’clock to walk to the shops for the papers; I was reluctant but agreed to follow. We got back, read the Sunday papers then settled down with a beer to watch the Gran d Prix. After it finished we stuffed our faces with steak pie and left over potatoes and vegetables from the night previous night. Later on Phil fell asleep, I stuffed my face with chocolate flakes and we ended up having a fairly early night.

Today, we did at least make it to the health club. Phil wanted a walk to The Giffard but instead we decided to drive out to the country and discover an undiscovered food and watering hole. Our final destination was the Black Horse at Woburn which turned out, not to be the best of choices. The food and wine were expensive and it was haunted by drunken wasps. I spent most of my time hiding in the toilet or running in to the servant’s quarters, not the best dining experience for Phil or me. A pretentious diner, full of snobs and we certainly won’t be returning. Worst of all, thirty quid later, one drink and one course and we came out hungry. Crap and thank goodness we could feast on leftover cheese and biscuits when we got back home.

Other than that, you can tell life has been dull. In total we have had 4 viewings on the NH house, not bad going but we hope for much, much more. The down side about having your house on the market is that you have to be anally tidy 24/7; I am tidy and clean 23/7 but it does turn into an obsession. Flowers carefully set on the dining table, coffee brewing in the kitchen, dishwasher going full spin washing the dishes and the electronic air freshener belting fall blast in the hallway; not to mention the right papers lying in the paper rack as well as bread baking in the new bread maker machine. It’s all hard work but hopefully it wall pay off in the end.

Today spells the official end of the summer. What summer I ask you?? Never mind, I look forward to the dying off of the wasps and to the onset of the autumn, which is always my favourite season. A new season, a new life and hopefully a new house sale – bring it on is what I say. Lets got on with next chapter of our lives.

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