Tuesday 24 March 2009

You can only get 5 in a Sunbeam

Just a quick catch up from my end. I know Claire is doing a great job keeping everyone informed but I need to clear my camera down before our holidays (I can’t wait). Claire and I had talked about going to Goa again before our visa’s run out at the end of April but hadn’t had the time or money to look for something. I had asked Claire if she had kept the paper work from the last one as we managed to get away for £350 each and could have had one for £250 if we could have gone a week earlier. Sadly, living in a tiny space, there is no room for such things so I started the search again. The first place I tried was an old favourite of mine, www.teletextholidys.co.uk . I get emailed offers from then almost daily but don’t often read them and they never seem to offer Goa anyway. First hit within 2 minutes I had found one for £255 each, I couldn’t believe it. I must need the holiday and fate, at last has returned to my side. When I rang they were not open so I kept trying from around the flat; I suppose most people don’t start work at the ridiculous hours Claire and I keep. I finally got an answer just after 8.30am but the lady’s computer had not warmed up so she said she would ring back when it had. I must be an old computer as she didn’t ring back until 9.30am. However, my perseverance paid off as we got the last 2 flights on a Thompson holiday with a hotel thrown in. I don’t know if you have ever tried to get flights to Goa but they seem to start from about £650 each, then you have to get accommodation on top so to find both for such a low price is unbelievable. Let’s hope they don’t mind me taking time out at work.

Well, Georgina is off on her school skiing trip to the USA on Friday. She is so excited, she can’t sleep. Not sure where she gets it from. She has not had so much luck with the other school trip she has booked to Madagascar where the kids collectively arranged the entire trip where they hike and camp across the country. Due to the current political unrest, it has been postponed and replaced with one to Kenya and Tanzania. Still not bad for a 16 year old, but when you have put so much time in arranging things you can imagine yourself there so there is bound to be disappointment.

Harriet has just turned 20 so is no longer a teenager. She has been busy hunting around for furniture and stuff ready to move into the flat we are renovating for her and Shane. I think we should have the back broke of it after this weekend when I hope to finish the tiling. I’m looking forward to a weekend so I can recover from the week before, not getting more tired during it.

Never mind the Australian GP starts this weekend so I will be having some time off to watch that. Good job it starts at 6am on Sunday morning or I wouldn’t have seen it live. Maybe we won’t finish it this weekend after all. The photos throughout this blog are not relevant to this blog but are from the last few weeks where they would have been better placed in Claire’s blogs, but as I said I need to clear my camera down. I am looking forward to Claire’s next blog myself as I haven’t seen the place since the carpets went in on Monday. Another good thing about keeping one of these, you know what’s going on when you are not there (or at least hope you do).

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