Wednesday 4 March 2009

Just another day in the life of ME.......

First up, I want to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Maddy who is forty something today. Really sorry to hear that you haven't been well and hope you are feeling much better now. I hope you have a lovely day and sorry we can't join you for dinner tomorrow evening. We'll have to get together when you get back from your holiday.
Phil told me he was going to do a blog from Somerset but he had a long and very tiring day on Monday and last night when he went to log on he found he couldn’t get on the internet. He sounds like he’s not having a terribly good week and I feel sorry for the poor lamb. I just hope his mood has improved by the time he returns home.
I was running late on Monday morning and as I had thought, Ray and James were already at the flat, sitting in their white van waiting for me to turn up to open up. I rushed up the stairs, put on the radio and filled the kettle but they didn’t come in until spot on the dot of 8.30am. This must be their own magic time to start work, not a minute before or a minute after. Ray still has his pony tail but he doesn’t take 2 sugars in his tea any more; he has cut back to half a spoonful. He also has given up smoking. I was pleased to hear this initially and thought that this would mean he would have less breaks, but this wasn’t the case. His non-smoking has made him more miserable than ever before and I nearly went out and brought him a pack. Ray let me down again on Monday because after skimming the lounge and half the hallway he and James left to go to another job. I was quite annoyed to be honest, another 2 hours and they could have finished once and for all.

I spent most of Monday slapping paint on the freshly plastered ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom and just generally tidying up. I also managed to grout the bathroom tiles which Phil had laid on Sunday although I’m not sure I made such a good job of it. I finished around 4’ish and went back home for a shower. I had no sooner got washed and changed when the phone went and it was the agent to say the manager was bringing someone round for a viewing. Now I was fairly tidy but there was still things to put away and I was annoyed at only have 3 minutes notice. But what can you do? The young lad that viewed the kebab flat seemed to like it and his dad was quite keen but I have to say I’m not impressed by the manager of the agency that we are using. She’s seems to be on another planet, I’ve got a few issues which I must got in and take up with her.

The buzzer went on Monday night and one of the residents here let in a gang of druggies who decided to sit on the stairs just outside my front door and drink cans and generally argue with each other. I felt a little uneasy probably because Phil wasn’t here but also because I came back from the Oldbrook flat on Friday to find that the flat to the right of us had been boarded up with metal sheets, both the door and the windows. Not only does this look very unattractive but it doesn’t help with us selling our flat. Anyway I thought about going out and asking the intruders to leave because they were making a racket but on reflection I didn’t think this was a good idea, especially as I was in my dressing gown. Instead I called the police because they are always around the centre so I thought they could just pop in and move them on. The gang let themselves out after a couple of hours and the police arrived at 10pm, just as I was going to bed and 2 hours after I had called them. They apologised and said that CMK police weren’t available so they’d had to come from Bletchley. I just thought to myself, what a good job it wasn’t a real emergency.

Ray came back yesterday and finished off my hallway so at last now we are fully plastered on the ground floor. I had a really good day painting yesterday and at last feel that we are turning the corner on the DSH (dirty shit heap) flat, albeit a tiny one. I really meant to take some photo’s yesterday and really can’t believe I didn’t get one of Ray! I’ll try and remember to get the camera out today but to be honest there isn’t much of interest to try and capture. But I must try, a picture paints a thousand words, and any picture is better than no picture!

After I finished yesterday I came back to get washed and dressed in paint free clothes and went round to Vanessa’s for a cup of tea and a chat. I haven’t seen Vanessa since before Christmas and it seemed a little surreal to be asking her how her Christmas was, when we are now in March! Still it was good to see V and get things off my chest. Last night was a catch up with telephone calls and then bed at just before half eight because I was knackered. Slept like a log and didn’t wake until half 5. I am going to have one more cup of tea and then get round to the flat for an early start and another day of more painting. Yipee…..

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