Monday 23 March 2009

Harriet, Holidays & Kitchen Sinks

I guess it’s the same in most other households across the UK but Monday has to be the worst day in our house. We both didn’t want to open our eyelids when the alarm when off at 3.30 this morning but Phil somehow got up to turn it off then reluctantly waddled to the bathroom. It took some strength, but I eventually dragged myself up and went to the kitchen to make tea. I had half packed Phil the night before but the cold stuff couldn’t be done the night before. Poor Phil, he couldn’t face any breakfast and only managed a few sips of tea before he was out the door and on the windy road to Somerset to face yet another week away.

Actually it s been a tough few days. We didn’t have a great journey home on Thursday night and the M25 was even worse than normal but thankfully I’d had the hindsight to put the wine in the fridge before we left, so at least we had something chilled to unwind us when we got in. On Friday morning it was tea, breakfast and straight to the flat to see how David had got on with the bathroom. We’d given him a key and we’d booked him for Thursday and Friday to put the new bathroom in. When we got round the flat David had appeared to have done nothing on the Thursday other than position the bathroom furniture in its place, nothing was plumbed in. David arrived at the flat just after 10am and blamed his lack of progress on the bath stuff we’d brought from BathroomBits4Us. Phil was not impressed; I am not going to say much, other than at the end of play on Friday David had fitted the bath too high, f***d the bath panel leaving a 2inch gap and plumbed in the toilet so close to the bath that you can only sit on it sideways. It’s a shame and we were more than just a little bit disappointed. I am pleased though with the tiling that Phil has done, although its not finished, its good to see my vision coming to life.

Because of David, Phil felt that he didn’t get as much achieved as he wanted too but actually I thought he got a lot done over the weekend. He tiled all of the skirting in the hallway and kitchen and drilled off all the tiles in the kitchen which was no easy feat, as they were stuck to the walls like glue and didn’t want to come away. Phil also got the wall cabinets up in the kitchen and put on all the doors. He got the worktops fixed to the base cabinets and cut out the hole for sink with the new jigsaw. It was only after he got it in, did he tell me this was the first time that he had put in a sink. It wasn’t an easy job fitting the sink, after he had cut out the hole, Phil had to paint the hole with mastic, then seal it in and then screw it up underneath the cabinet. The screwing wasn’t easy, I tried to help out but I couldn’t do it. Phil persevered and managed to get all the screws to grip the sink.

With the sun pouring in the windows I realised that bedroom 2 needed a fourth coat of paint. I tried to convince myself at first that it would make do with a touch up but it was no use, I put on my decorating clothes and got out the roller. Things are all ready now for the carpets which is a good job because the upstairs carpets and the stairs and landing are being fitted today. All in all, we spent a total of 25 hours in the flat over Friday, Saturday and Sunday and poor Phil was absolutely knackered. On Friday we went home for my home cooked Thai green curry and rice which I cooked in Grace’s kitchen in Somerset and brought home. Phil wasn’t happy with it because I had used English aubergines and not the Thai ones which he prefers. There was enough left for Saturday lunch but Phil didn’t fancy it so we went to the Silk Road Restaurant next to Staples by the station. This was the first time we’d been and I have to say it was the hottest, spiciest Indian food I have ever tasted in the UK. Not cheap and at first I thought the portion size was meagre but it turned out we’d ordered enough to satisfy our appetites. We ordered 2 meat dishes, 1 plain rice, 1 pilau rice, 1 vegetable dish and 1 chilli naan for Phil. We finished every mouthful and it was delicious. I have to say, I didn’t feel much like working afterwards but I forced myself and we ended up doing another 3 hours before finishing at 5pm. Of course, no weekend is complete without a trip to B&Q. This weekend we surpassed ourselves and made 5 trips. I think we can make our way around this store with our eyes shut, sad really.

Poor Phil had literally run out of steam by lunchtime yesterday, he was already working at the flat at half past seven so at half past one I persuaded him it was time to stop work. We packed everything away and went back to the kebab flat for a shower and a change into human clothes. Harriet came round with a mother’s day card, a bottle of wine and a massive box of chocolates for me, bless her. We had intended to walk along the canal and have a late lunch at the Giffard but instead Harriet gave us a lift. Phil ordered a rump steak for him and a tipsy steak pie for me which we washed down with a pint of larger and a bottle of wine. It was lovely to just sit down and relax for a change! The sun was still shining when we came out of the pub and we enjoyed a lovely walk home along the canal. Well, half the walk home was along the canal, the last half is up the hill when we turn off at Campbell Park and this is the bit that Phil hates. He moans all the way up and he was so tired, I had to grab his hand and pull him up! It was feet up and catch up with telly when we got back and then early to bed ready for Monday morning.

It’s Harriet’s 20th birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY HH! I can’t quite believe that this time 20 years ago (literally because she was born at 7am) that I was having a forceps delivery after a 36 hour labour. I have to say not happy memories! Harriet has taken the day off work and this afternoon we are going for a look around IKEA and then going to see Marle and Me at the cinema. I think she would like to do something this morning but unfortunately I have to be round the flat to let the carpet fitters in.

Since I blogged about the offer of sale on the kebab flat, we have offers of back gardens and spare rooms. It’s nice to know you’ve got friends so thanks everyone. Jimmy has very kindly offered us the use of Shirley’s house which is vacant so if our sale does go through, we may very well take him up on his offer. That is, of course, if Shirley’s house hasn’t sold and is still available. At least we have somewhere we can go.
Phil has just phoned me to say that he has arrived safely in Somerset. He says he feels absolutely knackered. I’m not surprised really, he didn’t stop for a moment over the weekend. It was just a shame that David messed up because if he’d managed to fit the bathroom on Thursday, Phil possibly could have taken the whole day off yesterday. I am really worried about him; he is working himself to the ground. Still there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Phil got on the internet on Saturday morning to have a look at the price of flights to Goa. He just happened to find the bargain of all bargains and booked!!!! Not only did he get return flights but we also got accommodation and transfers and all for £255 per person. This is unbelievable and we couldn’t help ourselves. The accommodation is only 1 star and trip advisor says, and I quote, “avoid like the plague” but we can use it as a base and move somewhere else if its as grim as the reviews suggest it is. Our visas for entry into India expire at the end of April so we don’t have the extra expense and hassle of apply for new ones and our jabs are up-to-date. Of course, Phil has yet to break the news to his work and they are not going to be happy because he is contracted until the end of April. Hey ho, my boy needs a holiday and a holiday he shall have. We fly 2 weeks on Saturday and I can’t wait!

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