Friday 6 November 2009

Anyone for Lemsip?

Shaun came out first thing on Wednesday morning and fitted the new pump. It didn’t take him long but he still charged us 180 quid. As soon as he’d gone Phil whacked up the thermostat, he hasn’t enjoyed being cold, it’s bad enough with him working out in the chilly conservatory. I shouldn’t moan too much though, Phil tells me that Jim cut through a pipe which has knocked out his central heating and hot water at home. Phil has given him Shaun’s number from Red Hot Heating so fingers crossed he can sort them out and get them heat for the weekend. Luckily, after the torrential down pours the weather has at least gone mild again.

I was glad in a way that the central heating pump stopped working beause it gave me a chance to put my airing cupboard in order and sort everything out. Phil put the wall cabinet back on the wall, and again, it gave me a chance to clean it and put all the glasses through the dishwasher before putting them back in the cupboard. A job well done, even if I do say so myself. In the afternoon I finished wrapping the Christmas presents, I didn’t have many to get, but even so, it is another job that can be ticked off the list before we fly away. I was beginning to feel much worse so we decided to go to the health club for a steam because I thought it would help me clear my head. We got there only to find that the steam room was closed for repairs. Just my worst luck.

Well, it really has been the most miserable week. My cold really decided to show its ugly head and I had a really bad night on Wednesday. Unfortunately so did Phil. I woke up in the small hours with a pounding head, a bunged up nose and was struggling to breath. Phil had to go out to the chemist first thing to get me more drugs. I virtually stayed in bed the whole day yesterday. Anyone that knows me well knows that this is very unusual for me, as I struggle to sit still, even for a minute. But I really did feel rough and Phil bless’im, fetched me drinks, tissues and was up and down the stairs all day long. He even made me pumpkin soup which I ate even though I had no appetite, it was delicious.

Phil went to Kiln Farm yesterday and picked up a shed load of post. The sat nav that Phil ordered for Oz turned up and so did my 2 blog-2-print books. I was pleased with them both although the second book has a better front cover and is perfectly bound. Perfect present for Phil’s mum for Christmas. I am feeling a little better today despite having got up at 2.30am. I came downstairs for a few hours and then back up for a doze but was forced to get back out of bed by a coughing fit. I’ve left Phil asleep and I’m hoping he can get some catch up with me out of the way. I am slightly worried because he was also drinking mugs of lemsip by the end of yesterday. What a pair we are but shouldn’t moan too much, this time in 2 weeks we will be landing in Hong Kong.

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