Friday 1 August 2008

Faraway Friends & Chocolate Digestives

And so another week comes to an end. Number of pounds lost in weight? Zero. Number of alcohol free nights? Zero. Not good on both counts and I really must do better next week. I managed 2 fairly energetic workouts in the gym this week but as a reward for managing to do a 20 minute run on the treadmill without stopping yesterday, I copped off to the shop on the way home to buy myself a packet of chocolate biscuits. Is there any hope for me I wonder?

My thoughts lately have been turned into friends in far away places for a variety of reasons. I suppose seeing Steve and hearing his experiences in Japan. It’s unbelievable that he is only back for one week and I wonder how long it will be before we see him again. We’ve also been thinking about Jim, Shirley & Dan who are in North Korea this week visiting Tom who is teaching local children to speak English. I have heard many stories from Steve & Phil about Korea but I’d be interested to hear the Robb’s take on the country. Last week I’ve been back in touch with The Sopers in Larnaca. Poor Christine’s mum died suddenly recently and she’s had a lot on her plate. Still it was still good up with all her news and despite life’s trials and tribulations; Christine’s emails always make me laugh out loud. This morning I picked up an email from Vanessa Ford giving me a link to The Fords journal which they will be writing while travelling through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and then back to Germany to catch the ferry home. I am sure the young Ford family won’t mind me sharing the link I am certainly looking forward to following their journey.

Despite almost wishing for rain I was dismayed to hear sprinkles of rain on the conservatory roof when I came downstairs yesterday morning and saw the grey skies. Phil was suffering because he’d finished off the lightening white cider when the sangria had run out after I’d gun to bed. He’d also been in the fridge for scuby snacks and eaten 3 of Harriet’s Traker bars which didn’t impress her (or me) much. We had planned that Phil would floorboard the attic but he didn’t really feel much like it which pleased me because I was worried in his hungover state, he might hurt himself. Phil redeemed himself slightly by making me a green Thai curry for lunch which was delicious and reminded me of our time in Bangkok.

As the morning was a write off work-wise we decided we may as well write the day off in style so we walked to the city centre and watched Mama Mia in Cineworld. What a fab feel good film; so cheesy but boy it made me laugh and cry. Sad thing was I knew all the words to the Abba songs! At first I wasn’t sure, we both hate musicals and Phil was cringing in his seat for the first 5 minutes. But he settled down after a bit and even admitted he enjoyed it when we came out. Just a shame it was raining and we got soaked on the walk back home.

All in all not a bad week I guess and we’ve been lucky with the weather. Tomorrow we will be watching the qualifying of the grand prix in Hungary and the race itself on Sunday. Phil is very excited because this is the first weekend that he has been able to watch live, or so he says. Steve Pem may come over on Sunday to watch the race on the big screen. No doubt we will eat lots of snacks and drink lots of beer. I think Phil has all but given up on his diet but I intend to start all over again on Monday when all the chocolate biscuits have been eaten!

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