Saturday 23 August 2008

Ex husbands and barking dogs

I know I have said before that this blogging business is addictive but trust me, it really is. I have about 5 blogs that I follow and every morning when I come down to switch the kettle on for my tea, the second thing I do is switch on my laptop to check for blog updates. It gives me a real buzz when one of my bloggers has posted a new entry and I feel deeply disappointed when they haven’t been in. At the moment I am following Steve in Japan, Frank & Joan who are living in Northern Cyprus, Julie, Tim & Emma and their New Zealand adventures and lastly but by no means least, I am following the young Fords on their soggy month’s trip across eastern Europe. There are 1 or 2 other blog sites that I check out but these are more information sites rather than personal. Once a blogger always a blogger I guess.

Phil has surprised me a couple of times this week by posting 2 really silly entries. Although I hated the silly funny face picture of me, I was grateful for his light hearted banter because I have had a really heavy heart this last week. The sad news that I mentioned was news that my friend’s husband has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer. I can’t say too much because he’s awaiting results from his CAT scans, but god only knows what they must be going through.

Not so devastating but still not good news was a phone call from another friend to tell me that her nasty good-for-nothing next-door neighbours put bricks through her lounge and kitchen windows. If that wasn’t bad enough the following night they lugged a brick through her car windscreen and front passenger seat window. She can’t prove anything because she didn’t have security cameras installed to catch them in the act. The police were called but I don’t think they will get the culprits convicted. I feel sorry for my friend because she is alone with 2 kids and has been staying up all night ever since to keep a vigil. The only positive thing is that an investor is buying her house and wants to complete in 28 days so at least she will have a chance to get away from the situation.

After hearing both sad & bad news, it wasn’t really surprising to say that we had yet another grey miserable week with all the usual flat crap stuff. Phil, under sufferance, did a couple of viewings at the Cranfield flat and we were pleased when he found a nice gentleman who wanted to take the flat straight away. After typing up the tenancy paperwork and putting it through his letterbox, we then had a phone call the following day to say he’d changed his mind. Phil was furious especially as he turned away another chap that was desperate to take the flat. All was not lost however, as Phil did a late viewing yesterday afternoon and Mr Algaffari, an Arabian MSc student at Cranfield University will be moving in on the 10th September. This is the first time we have let to an Arab so I will reserve any kind of judgement until after the tenancy.

On Thursday Chris (husband no 1) turned up wanting me to type up his CV which was about 20 years out of date. This isn’t the first time he’s asked me to do typing and copying and probably not the last. Chris has no IT skills whatsoever and I ended up creating him a hotmail account so he could put an email address on his CV. This turned out to be a bad idea because he’s phoned up-teen times ever since asking us to check his inbox for mail! He’s talking about getting broadband and a PC and if this happens I can see me & Phil being his help desk support. Chris doesn’t change and I know he is the father of my child, but I tell you, every time I seem him I thank my lucky stars that we’re divorced!

We were awake at a very early hour this morning which didn’t bode well with Phil who has been kept awake for the last 2 nights by Neil’s barking dogs next door. Chris had told Phil about an advert he’d seen for a mega-sonic cat scarer which scares dogs as well, so as soon as the shops opened we drove over to Dobbies in Bletchley to get one. Unfortunately they didn’t have any but we came away instead with a house number plate, a Cordyline Australis plant and yet another bloody barbeque cookery book.

What with drunken poker partiers across the way and barking dogs this cul-de-sac is a mad place to live. Just as well really that, in 2 months time we will moving out. But this master plan of Phil's is yet another blog in itself, which if you don’t mind I will save for another day.

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